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Tow Truck


Reminder! People without up to date registration for their vehicles' license plates are subject to tow.
These tows AR
E NOT initiated by Tall Pines, but by Tri-County Auto Recovery. Tri County will place a green or orange sticker on the driver side window.  These stickers are not used by Tall Pines, as we have an entirely different process and use a different (paper) notification when WE place a sticker on the vehicle windshield. 

 Please be aware, that if you do not have your vehicle up to date you could be towed.

A tool for homeowners  to speed up the towing of unwanted/uninvited vehicles from your reserved parking spots

Introducing Parking Tags

These are not required, but if desired, please email maintenance at or drop a note in the box by the shop, and let them know you'd like one. This should save you from hunting for your deed as proof you own the space, to show the tow truck driver.

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Turf Fertilizer and Herbicide Application

We've installed signs at the NO SPRAY ZONE for pets in the Southwest corner of the property, as well as NE frontage road drainage area as a 2nd chemical free area for the dogs.


Landscapers will notify us ahead of time. Look for signs letting the dog owners know.  They will be placed at the doggie stations as well as the lawn flags.


We researched products & will be using products deemed safe by the EPA.  Remember to STAY OFF areas marked with flags for 24 hours to ensure that safety.  The fertilizers will be mostly chicken manure, but please avoid

those areas as well.


Community News

Property Manager is Elizabeth Sweeney

303-221-1117 X 104

Welcome New Residents

Welcome to our homeowners association community! We're glad you are now an HOA member and we look forward to meeting you soon. We'd like to extend an invitation to you to attend our community events, meetings, and social gatherings.

Moving Truck


Please!  Be conscientious of your neighbors and the property! Pick up after your pets! 

ALSO-TO GIVE YOU AN OPTION WHEN WE'RE WEED SPRAYING, we've installed signs at the NO SPRAY ZONE for pets in the Southwest corner of the property, as well as NE frontage road drainage area as a 2nd chemical free area for the dogs. These areas are marked and posted.



Neighbors, if you SEE a pet owner allowing their animal to poop without picking it up, please take a photo of the owner/dog because we will enforce the fines! Send to LCM.  This problem affects all of us! It unsanitary, unsightly, and smelly!  It is also a citable county offense. Jeffco Animal Control will take your complaint if you at least have a description of the dog and owner, & when and where it occurred.  No photo necessary.


Book Kiosks

The Tall Pines Free Library kiosks are by the clubhouse for your reading pleasure! One for li'l people and one for the adults.  Anyone can take a book or leave a book! Get something new to read and share books that you love with your neighbors.


Visit them to the north of the clubhouse by the farmhouse!

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Keep Your Info Current

Please keep your phone number and emails current with LCM Property Mgmt.  If you change one, let them know! In the event of a water leak, major issue etc., we need to have a way to reach our homeowners.


Also in light of the Marshall fires, double check with your insurance agent and make sure you have the correct amount of coverage and that you have the Special Assessment Coverage. (About $5 per month). If you change carriers, remember to send LCM a copy!

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Help keep our old pipes clear!

We need to be conscientious about what we put down the drain and toilets to save these 30+ year old pipes and the plumbing budget. Read here.


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and Bulletins  (Newsletters at bottom of page)

Snow Signs in Visitor Parking Are Up

Some visitor parking spots are also designated as snow removal spaces in the winter.  When we have heavy snows, & the plows will be coming through, those spots will be filled with piles of snow. Anticipate this and don't have guests park there, either.  If you choose to still park there, you may be towed or have snow piled behind your vehicle.  It will then be your responsibilty to get your car out! 

Swimming Pool

The pool  for 2025 will open on or near May 24th.  It will close around Labor Day.

Each resident should have an electronic fob, but if you have misplaced it, or didn’t receive it from your seller when you moved in, just contact

303-221-1117 X 104

If you are a renter, you will need to get it from your landlord.





We have had two small fires that started in deck planters filled with potting soil.  Luckily the home owners saw the smoke and put them out!   If they weren’t home it could have been so much worse!


Just know that newer potting soil brands have very little real soil but instead have large volumes of peat moss, shredded bark, Styrofoam and vermiculite!  All are highly flammable and they ignite easily. Once they do, then fertilizers in the soil accelerate the flames.


  • Don’t use the pot as an ashtray.

  • Keep the soil wet/moist or if it’s not the season, empty the pot.

  • Don’t use indoor soil in outdoor pots, as it dries out faster.

  • Keep your pots away from combustible things like firewood, newspapers, paint solvents, gas or cleaning products.

Speaking of fires, remember that we cannot have ANY CHARCOAL grills on the property (there ARE charcoal grills in the park area behind the pool for your use); you may have the small propane cylinders on 2nd & 3rd floor balconies and 1st floor can have the 20lb tank but they must be 10 FEET away from all structures. Let’s be safe!!!!

Trash Enclosures

Reminder! Help us by picking up trash you see outside the dumpsters and by being certain your trash makes it in!  Bollards have been added around the perimeter in front of the trash enclosures for protection.  If your item doesn't fit...break it down.  We are charged more if items stick out.  This  cost will be passed on to the offenders !  No remodeling debris should EVER be thrown in the dumpsters.  If you do, or your contractor does, you will be subject to a back-charge or a violation. 

Feeding of Birds and Animals

It’s not that we don’t love our furry and feathered friends but feeding the birds and squirrels is a NO-NO.  That draws a more unsavory group of diners and that would be RATS.  Rats love the trash bins and juniper bushes.  PLEASE! Our maintenance crew noticed that where homeowners leave out food, the bunnies, squirrels, stray cats and birds are not the only visitors!  NO FEEDING the animals!


Woodpeckers have been busy again making holes in our exterior walls. If you notice a hole, please let Elizabeth Sweeney know, because it can also cause damage to the interior drywall, etc.

Tall Pines is FHA Approved!!!

Black and White Star in Circle

Quarterly Newsletters

Quarter 2025

Quarter 2024

Third Quarter 2024

Second Quarter 2024


Do you have any other questions? Contact us today and we’ll be happy to help.

©2025 by Tall Pines Condo Association. Proudly created with

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