Clubhouse available to residents for birthdays, showers, graduations, etc.
For a small fee and a refundable deposit, have
your get together here. Just contact Elizabeth Sweeney, Property Manager at LCM
303-221-1117 Ext 104 esweeney@lcmpm.com
Checks must be made out to the Tall Pines HOA

Our beautiful park areas to enjoy!

Our Community Fire Protection
Our Community Law Enforcement

We'd like to thank Deputy M. Bybee for all his hard work in assisting Tall Pines HOA with obtaining a grant from the Colorado Division of Criminal Justice for $100,000 for all our lighting!
If you are a crime victim, contact the JCSO Victim Services Unit directly during business hours, by calling 303-271-5339 or email victimservices@jeffco.us.
For other issues in Jefferson County try:
Sheriff's Office CRIME IN PROGRESS 911
Sheriff's Office Non-Emergency 303-277-0211
Noise Complaints 303-271-4874
Housing Authority 303-422-8600
Veterans Services 303-271-4700
Youth Services 303-271-4613
Motor Vehicle303-271-8 100
Lakewood Motor Vehicle Office 303-271-8100
Littleton Motor Vehicle Office 303-271-8100
Fraud Hotline 303-271-6980
Human Services 303-271-1388
Age-Friendly Jefferson County 303-271-4251
Noise Complaints303-271-4874
Housing Authority303-422-8600
Veterans Services303-271-4700